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(2 classifications) (24 resources)


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Hyderabad (2)
Karachi (21)


Gemma Sharpe (City University of New York) was a 2017 AIPS Short-Term Research Grant awardee. Sharpe's dissertation "places key developments in Pakistani art in their global and institutional contexts. The constellation of exhibitions that provide its archival backbone reveal how Pakistani artists...
Waleed Ziad was a 2014-2015 AIPS Fellow and conducted research in the UK and Uzbekistan for four months. Ziad "examines the development of trans- regional Islamic revivalist networks from the mid-18th to mid-19th centuries, centered around Sindh, Peshawar, and the Kabul Valley, and extending across...
Shehram Mokhtar was a 2018 AIPS Short-Term Research Grant awardee who lived with a hijra household in Karachi for two months to learn about community structure and cultural practices.
Mishal Khan was a 2018 AIPS Short-Term Research Grant awardee who conducted research in Karachi Pakistan. Khan conducted research "related to the legal landscape that emerged in Sindh after 1843 – the year when slavery was officially abolished in East Indian Company territories, and also the yea...
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