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(2 classifications) (23 resources)


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Hyderabad (2)
Karachi (19)


Waleed Ziad was a 2014-2015 AIPS Fellow and conducted research in the UK and Uzbekistan for four months. Ziad "examines the development of trans- regional Islamic revivalist networks from the mid-18th to mid-19th centuries, centered around Sindh, Peshawar, and the Kabul Valley, and extending across...
Shehram Mokhtar was a 2018 AIPS Short-Term Research Grant awardee who lived with a hijra household in Karachi for two months to learn about community structure and cultural practices.
Mishal Khan was a 2018 AIPS Short-Term Research Grant awardee who conducted research in Karachi Pakistan. Khan conducted research "related to the legal landscape that emerged in Sindh after 1843 – the year when slavery was officially abolished in East Indian Company territories, and also the yea...
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