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Religion -- Christianity


Sara Singha (Georgetown University) was a 2015 AIPS Short-Term Research Grant Awardee who conducted fieldwork in Lahore and Punjab, Pakistan. Singha's research was in support of her ethnography on Christianity and class.
Chad Haines was a 2019-2020 AIPS Fellow and conducted research in Pakistan for one month. Haines' research focused on Afghan refugees in Lahore, Pakistani Christians, and Pakistani Hindus, investigating the history of settlements and making of "minority" populations in the colonial and postcolonial...
Lubna Chaudhry a 2014-2015 AIPS Fellow and conducted research in Islamabad for 2 months. Chaudhry's research aims to "fill a gap by generating in-depth situated knowledge about Pakistani Christians' multi-dimensional responses to the insecurity and discrimination in their lives."
Chad Haines was a 2019 AIPS Fellow and conducted research in Pakistan for one month. Haines' research included intentions to "interview key members of minority communities (academics, NGO/civil society activists, and religious leaders); undertake historical archival research; interview and observe...