User Access Privilege Flags

There are 12 default access privilege flags. These privilege flags allow system administrators to assign different types of work to different users. This allows an organization the flexibility to create the most efficient and practical workflow possible for its needs. The ability to disperse the workflow across individuals allows project managers to create discrete tasks in the workflow as needed, which is particularly useful for projects located in more than one geographic location.

For example, System Administrators can designate one or more users to update the news and announcements section of the home page by giving them the News Administrator privilege flag. The News Administrator privilege flag will allow only those users to add news and announcements to the site. Similarly, System Administrators can designate one or more users to add, edit, and delete any item records by giving them the Resource Administrator privilege flag.

Other privilege flags facilitate finer-grained workflows. For example, a System Administrators could give one or more users the Release Flag Administrator privilege flag if he or she wants to allow many users to create item records but doesn't want to make those records publicly viewable until they are checked and edited.

Privilege flags are assigned by selecting the ones appropriate for the user being edited (Shift+Click) and then clicking the Save Changes button. The definitions of the default access privilege flags are:

Can Post Resource Comments

Users with this privilege flag may add comments to item records on the site. Resource comments must be enabled for this privilege flag to be useful and new user accounts have this privilege by default, unless the Default New User Privileges setting has been customized.

Classification Administrator

Users with this privilege flag may build and maintain the classification taxonomy (e.g., Computers > Hardware > Keyboards > Wireless Keyboards) for the collection.

Collection Administrator

Users with this privilege flag may manage the collection, i.e., edit the OAI server settings, export data, modify the metadata schema, etc.

Controlled Names Administrator

Users with this privilege flag may create and modify Controlled Name fields, e.g., Publisher and Creator, and are generally responsible for codifying and editing the name forms across the Controlled Name fields.

Master Resource Administrator

Users with this privilege flag may edit the metadata records for every item on the site, and are typically in charge of developing, editing, and maintaining the item records in the collection. They are not able to add names or vocabulary to any of the controlled name attribute lists or classification schema.

News Administrator

Users with this privilege flag may add and edit the news item announcements that are displayed on the home page.

Personal Resource Administrator

Users with this privilege flag may create item records but only edit the ones that they created. They are not allowed to add names or vocabulary to any of the controlled name attribute lists or classification schema.

Release Flag Administrator

Users with this privilege flag may modify the value of the Release Flag field for any item record. The Release Flag field is a default metadata field that controls whether item records are publicly viewable. This privilege flag can be used in tandem with or distinct from the Resource Administrator privilege flag, depending on the desired workflow.

System Administrator

Users with this privilege flag may control the overall management and configuration of the site. They may not remove this privilege flag from their accounts, which is meant to prevent them from accidentally making it impossible to manage or configure the site.

User Account Administrator

Users with this privilege flag may view, edit, and delete registered user accounts. They may not remove this privilege flag from their own accounts, which is meant to prevent them from accidentally making it impossible to manage user accounts.